Dear Students:

We have received inquiries about your summer schedules. Please know schedules are in the works and they will be posted by the first week of June for the Summer Quarter. 

In addition, many of you know that the graduation ceremony originally scheduled for June has been cancelled due to lack of participation. We only had twenty-five students respond by the time we needed to secure the venue. However, due to overwhelming interest you expressed in the last day since that communication went out, we are working on some alternative options and/or dates for late summer or early fall. This will allow more of you to walk due to summer quarter graduates. If you have ordered your cap and gown, please hang on to it as we work out a date so as many of you as possible can participate. As soon as we know more, we will let you know.
Have a wonderful day!

Last modified: Monday, May 20, 2024, 9:22 AM